(206) 528-5885. Contact form preferred.
Seattle Patient Advocates offers resources and strategies to help you understand, plan, and manage your health care or that of a loved one.
We are a private business working directly for YOU. Our funding doesn't come from insurance or the government. Since we are paid by you, 100% of our duty is to YOU, our customer, with no conflicts of interest. Details available here: https://seattlepatientadvocates.com/fees
When you or your parents/child are dealing with illness or injury, hiring an Advocate can not only lighten your load, but can actually improve the quality of your care and improve your outcomes. We work with people across the lifespan, but have special expertise with the elderly and aging in place. We can facilitate hiring services to help you safely stay or recover at home.
With over 30 years of clinical experience as a Physical Therapist, my commitment is help you get the best healthcare possible. I advocate to improve the quality of care as well as the efficiency and compassion of delivering that care. My goal is to help patients and their loved ones understand the health care system and get ahead of the questions and decisions coming their way. I demystify the language and the process; I break things down into manageable, understandable steps so YOU feel empowered to lead your healthcare team.
I leverage decades of clinical experience to be your personal, independent, dedicated guide through the complex health care system. Your goals are paramount and the SOLE FOCUS of our work together. Unlike advocates or navigators working within the system, there are no competing goals. It's all about what you need to feel better.
The U.S. health care system is constantly changing and under construction. It is fragmented and riddled with poor communication. An independent Patient Advocate can facilitate better continuity of care, smooth transitions or care, and enhanced communication.
Cheryl had the pleasure of chatting with journalist Jayati Ramakrishnan who covers healthcare issues. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/mental-health/tips-for-navigating-health-insurance-denials-and-other-frustrations/
(206) 528-5885
Except in emergent situations, we request you complete the contact form.
There's a lot to see here. So take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. We hope you'll take a moment to drop us a line. We kindly request that you submit the contact form prior to scheduling a phone call.
Thank you.